
As one of the largest sectors in the world, the Indian education sector has seen a paradigm shift in the last few years. Research predicts that its size will reach a whopping 570 crores by the end of 2020. Although this arena is still in its development phase, the sudden boom in education startups and edtech innovations has created assurances and brought fruitful opportunities for investment in the future. Let us look at the three main reasons why investing in the Indian education sector is a profitable idea.

Government Initiative

The Indian government is executing strategic plans for incorporating smart classrooms and agile education systems for the upcoming generation. This has opened big opportunities for startups and large enterprises to invest in this field.

Pre-School Momentum

The sudden urge of Indian parents to educate their children in international schools and the relentless efforts from the central education boards are opening up doors for many investors and entrepreneurs.


The incorporation of the latest technological innovations and promoting children’s familiarity with disruptive changes are creating a profitable space for investors of all sizes.

In short, the Indian education sector is emerging as a lucrative arena for big investments with the adaptation of the latest trends in delivering quality education to young minds. And this is just the beginning.